Let’s Get Visual! Going “From Now to Next” with the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce
August 4, 2020
August 4, 2020

You know the feeling. It’s crunch time before a big presentation and you’re coordinating the presenters on your team, crossing the Ts and making those last little adjustments to ensure your audience walks away with some actionable information. A view inside the Navigate “office” (our respective kitchen and dining-room tables) earlier this week would have revealed just that, as Kim Huggins, Jerry Goldberg and Kip Wetzel pulled together “From Now to Next” for our chat with Cornerstone members of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce.

As members of this group, we get to rub virtual elbows with some of the most influential leaders and innovators in the region. What we heard from that group – echoed by our many conversations with clients – is that large businesses of every shape and size are still making sense of the “new normal” and their paths forward.

In fact, the U.S. just experienced the worst quarter for the GDP in history, over 50% of U.S. businesses expect six months to pass before operations return to normal and the IMF is forecasting a 7.6% decrease in global economic growth this year. This is all happening while 27 million Americans are dependent on childcare to work during the coronavirus pandemic and 70% of out-of-work Americans fear their states will lift COVID-19 restrictions too soon.

In short, it’s a mess out there.

Our chat with the NJCC focused on where large companies can go from here. In a picture-is-worth-a-thousand-words spirit, we captured that conversation in visual form:

The crux of the solution, and what we hope you see in big bold letters at the top of that visual, is what we’re calling the R3 framework. R3 is about reevaluating where you are now; reimagining by challenging the status quo through new ways of thinking, behaving and operating; and then reemerging by charting a new path forward to come back stronger.

We’re firm believers that no one can predict “what’s next” with absolute certainty—and you should be very suspicious if you’re promised that. However, we’re proud of our ability to help large and complex companies see around corners, figure out the best strategy and, most importantly, put that strategy into action by working shoulder-to-shoulder with them. Let us know if we can help you create order, and a competitive advantage, out of the disruption we’re all experiencing today.